Sunday, February 9, 2014


Break time into its indivisible pieces
And throw them loose into a drawer
Like photographs mixed up and out of order,
Or shuffle them like a deck of cards
And throw them on the floor in a game of 52-pickup,
Or scramble them like letters of the alphabet
And pick them out from a pile of upside down tiles.

Reassemble them using clockwork unwound,
Without an arrow’s direction, without a straight-line flow;
Create other patterns or not; design an image with
Bits unrelated, side-by-side, time without meaning,
Time with accidental designs among the haphazard array,and

No more than a flattened globe of
Scattered bits tossed out upon a sea of space,
At the mercy of current, wind, storm and water becalmed,

The imagination creates an assembly
With senses dulled or nonexistent;
Flights of fancy built into new mythic forms
As the search for a line or an image 
without any tense but the eternal present,
Exhausts all possibilities.

© cmheuer, 2013

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