Monday, February 3, 2014


Cloudy days appear bereft of shadows,
Smudged castoffs that tell time,
Litter the forest floor, and
Leave patterns adrift.

Shade eclipses as much earth as
There are objects on it to capture sunlight
And block it from revealing another side.
All matter loses detail and dons silhouettes,
Larger and more abstract than the original,
They curl up and wrap around like a gray-black fur.

Repeating shadows seem like objects themselves,
Long translucent columns shed by the loblollies at dawn
Break apart the early light and stretch toward the west,
Like fingers spread out to touch the earth
To sense its round shape and carry a message
For each root, limb, branch, and needle
There must be signs of time for
The grip of the sun has a firm hold.

There is a sudden burst of shadow that
Trails across the moss, dead leaves and fallen pine needles,
And I know that it is a bird on the wing,
And I know that I saw a shadow of the past,
That was a shadow of the clouds.

 © cmheuer, 2013

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