Friday, December 29, 2017


Ten seconds are but a brief measure of time
to end the year with crystal balls and fireworks,
for merry-making crowds awash in winter’s cold,
their fortune-teller omens drowned out by noisemakers,
as the year’s boundary reaches a hair’s breadth away.

The rise in fever pitch slows down the descent,
flashes meteoric memories behind the eyes,
blinds any view beyond star-struck gazes,
as dinosaurs must have stared
before the K-T boundary was laid. 

The countdown gets closer to one,
the doomsday clock looms above the bacchanal,
unseen, it beats out a metric drum roll,
unheard by multitudes who believe in and
count down to


© cmheuer, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Cold winds sweep away fallen leaves and pine needles;
Make trees shiver and shake off loose foliage;
Enfeeble the last of the flower stalks.

Cold, gusty, air webs drop flies to the ground,
Send lady bugs scrambling for the south side,
Kill wasp colonies, and starve their queens.

Cold winds search and destroy;
Find and erase any trace of summer’s blush;                                               
Wield harsh sentences and slip away.

Cold winds plant headlines in the fields;
Grow minus signs, sharp thorns, and tears;
Harvest seeds of bad humor and knitted brows.

Cold winds make heads burrow in scarves and collars;
Hide hands and faces from winter suns and moons.

Cold winds skim the water and freeze into ashen waves.

© cmheuer, 2017  

Friday, October 27, 2017


(This is just a light-hearted piece for Halloween.  It is supposed to be funny.)

Witches’ brews and pumpkin spices;
Costumes, masks, and black cat arches;
William’s ghosts and Haitian zombies;
Vampire teeth and dancing bones. 

They glide through fallen leaves and branches;
Breathe out cold air and diabolic vapors;
Gather into mobs on sidewalks and lawns;
Shriek from broomsticks and dark corners.

They knock on windows and front doors;
Haunt the night with evil howls and scary faces;
Sound like screeching owls and clanking chains;
As frightful as foul ghouls and screaming banshees.

Jack-o-lanterns stand and face them;
Stave off the fiends with scowls and indignation;
Light the night with candle glare and flickers;
Give the fiends an evil eye and carved-out snickers.

In retreat, the mischief makers and hell hounds
Leave tissue on quaking trees and bushes;
Curl back into a rising dawn and setting moon;
Disappear into faint shadows and fading gloom.

©cmheuer, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017


After the rapid-fire, flashing light gushes through the windows,
Olympic drums shake the double-hung frames like rattles;
Pound on the walls as if they were doors.

There is no sleep during the brute force of electric rage,
Insatiable and relentless, incessant, recurrent light and sound
Steal the darkness and the silence.

Even as the fierce wrath grows faint and moves away,
Another round appears to cancel the night,
To reassert the meteoric flames, shrieks, and howls.

While the window flickers like an old movie projector
With floods and winds that drown, with fires that burn,
With earthquakes that crush and trap, and
With guns that mow down crowds.

©cmheuer, October, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Zeros and ones swarm outside their overcrowded hives.
Some can be found in tree branches;
their humdrum buzz carried away on the wind.
Some can be found in the open eaves of old houses;
their telltale drone passing through attic doors.
Some can be found in old books and newspapers,
broadcast live on large and small screens, or
recorded on discs and hurled into space.
Some cluster in restless minds;
set upon ears like ringing bells
or summer-night insect cries.

Zeros and ones flood river banks and ocean beaches;
surge over flood-gates, dams, walls, and barriers;
seep under doors and through broken windows;
soak all porous things and rust away thin metals. 
Some travel in air waves;
Others make their way along cables and wires.
Some cover mountains, ridges, and trenches like
ocean waters rising higher and higher.
Some pour into restless minds;
Paint scenes of day and night
with bold electrical strokes of lightning hues and dark shadows.

Zeros and ones scramble messages, turn into static,
break apart and scatter into seeds like scraps of an alphabet.
Some divide themselves into two bits
where there was one bit and divide again.
Multitudes of them sing, vibrate like strings;
cover old nouns, blank pages, and hollow spaces.
Some gild all surfaces with gold leaf;
trap and suffocate with thin non-porous shells.
Some coat restless minds. 
Day by day, honey combs ooze zeros and ones.
Colony collapse disorder prevails.  Bees die off. 

©cmheuer, 9/2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Catching grasshoppers was my chore on
Sunday afternoon fishing trips.
Tobacco juice, my father called it,
When I held out my stained fingers and grimaced,
Because I thought the brown liquid was grasshopper guts.
He smiled and took the green-brown insect from my hands,
Speared it with a hook and threw it into the shallow water of
The Little Pond, the red and white bobber floating
Without moving on that August, windless day because
Rainwater ponds don’t have currents until
Frogs, fish, or storms break the surface.

I went back to work, walked about the hay field;
Watched the grasshoppers’ high, broad jumps;
Watched to see where they landed in the tall grass,
Tried to catch another one in the palms of my hands;
My eyes strained against the glare of the sun,
Strained against the insects’ camouflage,
Strained to see the slightest motion in the grass.

Not knowing that tobacco juice is a defense,
Not knowing they wait for nine months to hatch,
Not knowing they can catapult into the air, but
Thinking that they could jump farther than I could ever reach.

© cmheuer, 2017

Monday, July 31, 2017


Thick history books sit on the table,
Cardboard covers worn thin,
Pages stained with dirty fingers or
Torn out and tucked back in, unbound,
As if names, dates, places, and events
Had escaped their encrypted forms. 

Re-creations abound.   Living museums,
reenactments, and preservation sites
bring the dead back to life;
costumes and scenery resurrect the old days,
as if there were a lesson to be learned,
as if we might decipher what had passed.

Despite faded photographs, broken artifacts,
fragile films, and second-hand memories;
Despite images of blood and suffering,
We think we celebrate the heroic,
We think we expose and defeat the fiends,
We think we bury them in heavy tomes.

Until they rise again, crawl out of the woodwork,
Seep like wet ink onto new pages of history,
Appear as new faces, chant the same siren songs,
Speak the same words slightly shuffled,
Employ the same hobbled strategies
Reenacted along the same lines,
Unbound, new chapters
Read the same as all the ones before. 

©cmheuer, July, 2017

Friday, July 7, 2017


Country roads twist and turn
Juggling bits of trees and clouds
Like pieces of glass in a cardboard tube
Whirled around—
Spirit rapping views
Evaporate and reconfigure,
In a gentle rain and a breath of wind,
Spinning wheels grip the pavement.

Above the rolled, drummed din,
Wet whispers, quaked leaves, and billowed vapors,
Wait for the belligerent roar of a lion’s den,
Wait for the rasp of anti-heroes and villains,
Jagged glass edges, windmills with broken vanes,
And thunderous blasts of light
That leave earthly tremors

Among the fleet-footed patterns of
Tumbled fragments,
Within the air of swirling blades,
Docile flights of fancy
Burrow through stormy gusts and headwinds,
Ride out tempestuous wheels of fortune
Spun because of a roll of the dice. 

© cmheuer, 7/17    

Monday, May 22, 2017


Archimedes noticed it centuries ago.
I slide beneath the surface.
The bath water rises.
I hope for a Eureka moment.
My head rests against the back of the tub,
Waits for a profound revelation,
Remembers Degas’s bathers.

Time-honored ideas and images
Flood the naked mind,
Wash away incongruous thoughts,
Lift off crusty scars left by the banal,
Create strong currents to carry off debris,
Crumble unstable edifices, and
Slowly seep into cerebral folds and crevices.

My submerged brain displaces the reflections
As my body displaces water,
Yet the volume of rising contemplation
Is greater than any gray matter
I can measure after the bath
With a towel wrapped around my hair
And another drying my left foot. 

©cmheuer, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017


At the end of the projector’s cone of light
Wraparound panoramas and scenic drives
Whirr or click in a darkened room
Transfixing and beguiling minds with
Places our feet have touched.

We were hunter-gatherers before farmers;
Our cavernous minds followed the trails,
Gathered images and footsteps,
Placed them in our cerebral vaults,
As if they were root cellars for storing
Enough seeds, nuts, fruits, and berries,  
To generate sleep and spry animation.

Night and day revolving in
Unquestioned, perpetual motion,
Fed by endless streams of old and new
Savannahs, seashores, and mountains.

Zeal is what I remember.  Frenzied preparation.
Last minute effervescence. 
Brisk steps to secure provisions.
Unbearable anticipation of
New lands at first sight hold my breath.

Until I look farther still into
Where my feet cannot touch.
Until I see on big, wide screens
Cassini photographs of Saturn,
Curiosity’s Dunes at Ogunquit Beach, and
Juno’s Jupiter Flybys:  places that
stun my eyes and beckon my feet.

©cmheuer, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Barn cats scatter in all directions
After silos and stalls are empty
And fields lie fallow.  Scrambled alarms
Crisscross the ground and air.  Loud and shrill
Through clouds of pollen that drift like smoke
As calicoes and tabbies approach with
Quiet, sure-footed stealth, ribs outlined in fur.

Food chains break into paper chains
Strung about, as epochs wind down
Cows don’t graze or break through fences;
Lowing sounds disappear among engines revved.
Barking dogs and hunters’ guns scour gridlocked land
For meat and sport.

There were distant horizons, deep skies and
Dark clouds heavy with wind and rain
To wash away earth’s grit and spring’s pollen,
To quake the thirst of grain and corn
Sowed just in time.  Harvested just in time.

There were the milkers’ calls rousing
Faded starlight like bird songs
Amplified by morning dew.
Pond ripples rode out the frogs’ plunges.
Rising suns and moons eclipsed the
Alarm clock’s ticking.

Stone foundations of cow barns and
Chicken houses are covered
In moss and dirt.  Relics and tools unearthed.
Parts of plows and tractor hitches,
Rusted, are kicked up by lawn mowers.
Cow bones rest in mounds among the trees.
Dams are breached. 

And the barn cats? 
Thin, hungry offspring wander in the streets. 
Horizons vanish in the sun’s glare and
Bold night lights blot out the stars.
Alarm clocks toll.

© cmheuer, 2017   

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Crowded corridors funnel herds,
Queue the roguish and the errant,
Transition the docile, and steer wayfarers.

Narrow hallways, dark alleys, and
Subterranean tunnels echo
Times marked by wanderlust and
The aimless search for rooms or exits.

Passageways, random
Sequels of blank walls, rails,
Or roadside brush
Hooked together with a single thread,
Looped around rooms,
Carried onto the
Next stairway or fire escape,
Onto the next foot path
Through briars and trees
Towards imagined ponds.

Each day is spent more in passage
Than in reflection or contemplation.

Rooms and destinations are obstacles that
Bend, reflect, or absorb the thread
Dragged along wherever footprints have
Fallen and been erased by others corralled
Into the same meat packer’s pen.

© cmheuer, 2017


Saturday, March 18, 2017


Wind gusts from the northwest cut around the eaves,
Split open sleeping eyelids, and
Cast a ghost light over canopies of branches
Weighted down to the height of the windows.

Pear blossoms are sheathed in glaze ice;
Blasts of air arch the top-heavy, loblolly trunks;
Tuffs of ice-coated, green needles fall and
Scatter like pine cones at the base of the trees;
Ice scraps pelt the ground;
Supercooled raindrops freeze
At the touch of a blade of grass.

There is mystery in mid-March winter storms,
Ill-timed for spring’s first buds and petals.
Unforeseen interruptions in lines of thought and sight
Become cloaked fragments,
Frozen and suspended in mid-air,
Transformed and generated into icy apparitions that
Break from their boughs, melt and disappear.

©  cmheuer, March, 2017 

Saturday, February 11, 2017


I heard the cry of a child deep in the woods.
Some say it is a mountain lion’s wail, a mating call. 
I don’t know and plunge into the underbrush,
Heading towards the desperate sound.

I see an image of a child curled up on a beach, drowned,
abandoned in the woods, trapped beneath a bomb’s debris;
a child whose parents have been deported, whose parents have died;
a child lost, afraid, and starving.

My footsteps rush across the forest floor,
Speeding into what I cannot know or see.
Fear runs behind me; heartache runs ahead of me;
And as I reach the place that I hear,

The sound stops, and I find nothing in the forest gloom;
Not a footprint or a broken branch.
Silence surrounds me as I search among the leaves and vines,
Silence until my voice cries out for those who cannot be found. 

©cmheuer, February, 2017

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Brush aside illusions with swift hand motions,
Dig into soft layers of contentment and hope,
Ignore fine-tuned narratives of time and place,
Throw out well turned questions and answers,
Clear dirt from artifacts and dinosaur bones,
Search for jumbled, incongruous masses
Beneath sensible layers of construction.

Look for chaotic bogs of amalgamated left overs,
Remnants of what has been stirred, 
Stewed and brewed into embryonic soups;
Sniff out sweltering cauldrons of odds and ends,
Punctuated bits, parsed, and fused;
Listen for gurgling mud pots, too hot to touch,
And quaking lava domes ready to erupt.

Endings are there, smelted and hammered,
Forged into shadows of themselves. 
Every book’s last words are scrawled and illegible;
Every calendar’s end days are scrambled in a heap;
Every clock’s midnight hours are sprung and unwound;
Every last word spoken is swallowed in silence.
Another ending will abide here.
Being is found here.

©cmheuer, January 1, 2017