Saturday, March 18, 2017


Wind gusts from the northwest cut around the eaves,
Split open sleeping eyelids, and
Cast a ghost light over canopies of branches
Weighted down to the height of the windows.

Pear blossoms are sheathed in glaze ice;
Blasts of air arch the top-heavy, loblolly trunks;
Tuffs of ice-coated, green needles fall and
Scatter like pine cones at the base of the trees;
Ice scraps pelt the ground;
Supercooled raindrops freeze
At the touch of a blade of grass.

There is mystery in mid-March winter storms,
Ill-timed for spring’s first buds and petals.
Unforeseen interruptions in lines of thought and sight
Become cloaked fragments,
Frozen and suspended in mid-air,
Transformed and generated into icy apparitions that
Break from their boughs, melt and disappear.

©  cmheuer, March, 2017 

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