Saturday, February 11, 2017


I heard the cry of a child deep in the woods.
Some say it is a mountain lion’s wail, a mating call. 
I don’t know and plunge into the underbrush,
Heading towards the desperate sound.

I see an image of a child curled up on a beach, drowned,
abandoned in the woods, trapped beneath a bomb’s debris;
a child whose parents have been deported, whose parents have died;
a child lost, afraid, and starving.

My footsteps rush across the forest floor,
Speeding into what I cannot know or see.
Fear runs behind me; heartache runs ahead of me;
And as I reach the place that I hear,

The sound stops, and I find nothing in the forest gloom;
Not a footprint or a broken branch.
Silence surrounds me as I search among the leaves and vines,
Silence until my voice cries out for those who cannot be found. 

©cmheuer, February, 2017

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