Sunday, March 9, 2014


Assembled moving parts work a certain way,
Carve into time like notched wheels of old watches,
Insert themselves in a room or a landscape
As naturally as overgrown weeds in a garden
Untended at the end of a season and
Left to winter’s slow erasure.

Hollow vibrations drown out nature’s warning calls,
Create a language of background noise
Overhead in a field of clover,
Fading along the railroad tracks or a country road,
Above the wind’s howl the engines drone and
Pale blue lights sweep every space, indoor and out--
Surround sound and backlit screens multiply,
Seep into every corner and every hand and eye--
A flood of energy moves and heats the air,
Stores sound and light,
Replaces mind, hands and feet,
Becomes as obsolete as wasted muscle and bone
Fails, in the dark of night,
Machines echo off walls and faces stare
Before the sudden sharp plastic metal twist
And there is nothing but silence in the air.

© cmheuer, 2013

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