Friday, August 31, 2018


Open windows carry the sound of
A fiddle and banjo played louder
Than the cicadas’ drumming songs
Or the hoot owls’ calls
For Saturday Night revelry
In overalls and house dresses
Damp with summer’s long days. 

A guitar, slung over the shoulder,
Rests on a knee bent for a low chair
And pillows spread out on the floor
In a candle light’s golden glow.
Bare feet and the light-fingered strum of
New-born songs wander onto a balcony
High above the street with voices raised
To roof top rows
In a moonlight’s somnolent flow. 

Unrecorded rhythms and rhymes
Set to air and left to thread their way
Unguided across the girth of stars,
Unleashed to rise and fall,
Spread out to fields and alleys,
Sail towards a horizon
Where some standing still and far away
In the night
Might hear a phrase that
Has never been played or sung
Before or after. 

© cmheuer, 2018

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