Saturday, March 24, 2018


Time surrounds us like a strong wind,
Swirls at different speeds,
Assails with gale-force buffets,
Scatters dead leaves around
To see what lies beneath,
Drops pine cones, gum balls, and
Branches from tree tops in a fitful rage,
Before it moves on and leaves
A mime’s impression of a light breeze to
Stir the heap of remnants with
One-directional hand-spins, sun shadows,
And verb-tense changes that can craft narratives.

The invisible, fourth-dimensional coordinate
Scratches out its effects, strange hieroglyphics,
Clues to a new lexicon,
Spoken and written only by time itself,
Etched into our faces,
Engraved onto our countryside,
Imprinted upon our skies and horizons,
Woven through layers of earth.

Translators and code breakers surrender,
Leave its secrets untouched for a new generation,
Know they cannot outwit its stealth and mastery
Of all change, transition, and ephemeral being,
Cannot reset the rambling itinerary,
Cannot escape its edicts even if they can calculate a way,
Unless time, itself, changes. 

©cmheuer, 2018

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