Thursday, March 30, 2017


Crowded corridors funnel herds,
Queue the roguish and the errant,
Transition the docile, and steer wayfarers.

Narrow hallways, dark alleys, and
Subterranean tunnels echo
Times marked by wanderlust and
The aimless search for rooms or exits.

Passageways, random
Sequels of blank walls, rails,
Or roadside brush
Hooked together with a single thread,
Looped around rooms,
Carried onto the
Next stairway or fire escape,
Onto the next foot path
Through briars and trees
Towards imagined ponds.

Each day is spent more in passage
Than in reflection or contemplation.

Rooms and destinations are obstacles that
Bend, reflect, or absorb the thread
Dragged along wherever footprints have
Fallen and been erased by others corralled
Into the same meat packer’s pen.

© cmheuer, 2017


Saturday, March 18, 2017


Wind gusts from the northwest cut around the eaves,
Split open sleeping eyelids, and
Cast a ghost light over canopies of branches
Weighted down to the height of the windows.

Pear blossoms are sheathed in glaze ice;
Blasts of air arch the top-heavy, loblolly trunks;
Tuffs of ice-coated, green needles fall and
Scatter like pine cones at the base of the trees;
Ice scraps pelt the ground;
Supercooled raindrops freeze
At the touch of a blade of grass.

There is mystery in mid-March winter storms,
Ill-timed for spring’s first buds and petals.
Unforeseen interruptions in lines of thought and sight
Become cloaked fragments,
Frozen and suspended in mid-air,
Transformed and generated into icy apparitions that
Break from their boughs, melt and disappear.

©  cmheuer, March, 2017