Friday, April 22, 2016

TIGER SWALLOWTAILS (for Sean and Meghan)

It is the pattern
On the large wings that makes my eyes sway;
Not the fluttering from blossom to blossom, nor the aerial acrobatics.
It is the fragile yellow brane
With black tiger stripes, blue patches, and orange spots.
Sun-flickered in a swift run just above the earth, the design delivers
Its knockout punch and leaves me stunned, dragged from flower to flower
By an alchemist’s golden promise or a sorcerer’s magic cloak
As if I were the one caught in a butterfly net.

My eyes lock onto one, but others command the sidelines,
Stand at rest with wings drawn straight up or spread out trembling,
Displayed and primed for instant flight among the opening buds
Spur memories of metamorphic brown caterpillars can grow wings,
Soar upon spring air, and lay claim to the enchanted symmetry
Of Blake’s "Tiger" even though their wings may have been torn and
Can never be repaired.

© cmheuer, 2016 

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