Monday, March 9, 2015


Pollen streaked, dust smeared, and soot fingered
Until line of sight breaks, distance smudges, and
Vision reduces to a clouded lens.

Traveling light stops, and the past,
Thrown up against the glass like a bird in
Running flight, does not pass through.

Surged crest, fallen before the gaze connects,
Flounders unseen and lost at the edge of
Opaque squares set among the walls. 

Windows sketched in rooms and buildings,
Rag-washed and dried repetition clears a path
Through grime and soil for countless scenes. 

A long line of frames stored like album prints
Pocketed in clear, slip-in sheets for preservation
Grow pale and unfamiliar, disconnected.

The foreground uncoupled from the background
Until ladders are hauled out, cloths are gathered, and
Washing windows begins again. 

©  cmheuer, 2015

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