Thursday, October 9, 2014


Lead foot, pedal to the metal,
There is no stillness,
Not even the dead are without motion--
Caught up in a web of spins and shafts,
Flung far outward and far inward--
Speed rules.

Not the windless day, nor the stone,
Nor absolute zero, but wheel tracks,
Cheetah paw prints and falcon flights.
Driven fleet of foot;
Driven protons plunge headfirst
Into the upper limit we try to break.

Rocket, super-sonic dash, close to the speed
Of light, pre-set cruise control haunts as
Matter touts energy for two sides of a coin;
Our flip side waffles back and forth in the wind
Full gallop, full speed, pre-coded ritual
Race against orbital pulls and an outward blast.

© cmheuer 2014

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