Monday, August 4, 2014


Rainwater ponds flood and evaporate,
A mirage of water that overflows its banks
Or disappears beneath the earth’s surface
With the slow crawl of an animal’s thirst.

Rising to the top of the dam,
Twice the size it should have been,
Overflow creeps into grasses and briar patches,
Floats logs, turtles, frogs, and water lilies.

Or sodden bed of leaf decay dried with
Muck-laden spatterdocks left aground;  
Broken spiny branches’ flailed arms prod mud and air,
And rotted, silver-plated tree trunks lie stranded.

Two ends of a pendulum’s arc, swing of time
Between rain and drought,
Between oasis and illusion,
Between face reflected and shadowed.

© cmheuer, 2014

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