Monday, January 27, 2014


Gun shots bludgeon the air,
Rattle the corn stalks’ stubble.

I call the mourning doves to feed
On sunflower seeds spilled like
Corn after the harvest.
I shudder with each rapid lift
Of the wings knowing that one falls
Weighted and unheard.
Neither a guitar string nor a piano key
Sounds in the gunner’s air.
I scatter the seed, and I count the doves.

Before me, a man counted yellow chicks
After he found the snake’s skin
Shed at the edge of the cinder block wall.
He counted again when the
Snake lay humped and well-fed
At the galvanized feed trays.
The count had diminished;
Each one subtracted as if it were a game,
And, at each move, he lost another.
Saw them stack up
On the opponent’s side;
Rubbed his chin as every man has
Rubbed his chin sitting on a feed barrel
With a game board on his knees,
Thinking through the next move, counting those left,

After one has been shot, arm uplifted before the face in
One last gesture, the eyes shielded from the sun,
Too bright or too close for the last move,
Summed up for the last count.
I feed the mourning doves,
I feed the hunters,
And I count.

In Memory of William A. Smith

© cmheuer, 2013

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