Sunday, November 28, 2021



Pale light, cast over many days,

spins illusions that bury truth and beauty

in abandoned cobwebs covered with dust;

          fades out every scene to grey

                   until sunlight becomes a memory.


 A bluffing wind is the only sound,

          nothing but a parrot’s hollow shriek,

          carried across the fallen trees’ branches,

          unheard among blurred apparitions

          drawn upon the slates of chilled, ashen days. 


Blazing light, recalled, is obscure and deflected,

          floats behind the eyes as shadows of the past,

          implies that truth is garish and beauty fleeting.

The haze of doubt is all that is known

          and overcast images boast about being 

                out of focus.


And thus, we wander on cloudy days

among ghostly sprites, whose malice hovers 

        above the morning sun rise 

            and brings ill-fortune,

                             a plague, and the chaotic chants of

                                      a grifter’s mistruths.



©cmheuer, November, 2021