Friday, December 27, 2019


Dazzling arrays of spidery floss,
     Light, but shielded,
     Hollow and waxed filaments,
Capped off at one end with dark seeds,

Spill out of slits in dry, fibrous hulls
                    Covered humbly in small spicules,
On the outside,
Soft splinters are airbrushed  
into rough coatings for
Smooth waxed insides where
Gossamer threads are spun
Into simple wings to sail upon fall winds
And float among rain drops to moist soils.

And the pale green pods, dried into brown shells,
           Held by shriveled veins with graceful
                       Curves and twisted knots

                               hang aloft on plant stems 
                                    next to leftover leaves.

An unacknowledged beauty
Overridden by delicate winged seeds that
drift among hay field grasses
To bear milkweed for the monarchs.

© cmheuer, 12/2019