Thursday, January 31, 2019


There were times when the mean spirited were scattered.
A few rotten apples in a barrel.  A villain or two in a novel.

There were times when the mean spirited swarmed,
Historical eras when the vicious prevailed, and
Plagues of violence descended like locusts,
Infecting the lemmings,
Suffocating the benevolent.

There were times when the mean spirited
Were cast as contemptible,
Their sinister intent indisputable,
Their infamous fate predetermined and sealed.

Now the mean spirited are double-sided;
Jekylls and Hydes cruise around,
Feign a spirit of good will,
Hide combative ferocity and devious intent,
Until scapegoats are found.

Then they change faces and build their ranks
By slithering into the hearts of unsuspecting hosts,
By taking over the discourse, they misrepresent and destroy.
Flaunt their villainy and laugh
Because they know it all,
Because they see pride in cruel, deceitful artistry,
Because they see pride in a con achieved.

They search for reasons to hate, for excuses to bully,
     any variation, a tone of voice, verbal offenses
     become elaborate narratives sold as believable,
     woven without fear of reprisal,
     built to make suffering a sport,
     selected to ensure their quarries
     are taken down with single shots.

Who will search out these villainous scourges?
Destined to appear again today and tomorrow,
Who will protect the scapegoats?
Where are the staunch defenders?
Where is a mirror that will reflect
The bully undisguised?

©cmheuer, January, 2019