Friday, December 27, 2019


Dazzling arrays of spidery floss,
     Light, but shielded,
     Hollow and waxed filaments,
Capped off at one end with dark seeds,

Spill out of slits in dry, fibrous hulls
                    Covered humbly in small spicules,
On the outside,
Soft splinters are airbrushed  
into rough coatings for
Smooth waxed insides where
Gossamer threads are spun
Into simple wings to sail upon fall winds
And float among rain drops to moist soils.

And the pale green pods, dried into brown shells,
           Held by shriveled veins with graceful
                       Curves and twisted knots

                               hang aloft on plant stems 
                                    next to leftover leaves.

An unacknowledged beauty
Overridden by delicate winged seeds that
drift among hay field grasses
To bear milkweed for the monarchs.

© cmheuer, 12/2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Wound up tin toys.
A row of ducks, a ladybug, a locomotive.
Set upon a bare wood floor
With whirrs and clicks
To run for preset times.

Wound up music boxes and carousels.
Ballerinas and horses
In predetermined spins
Set in time to the music’s meter.

Wound up spheres swirl
In predestined eddies and gyres.
Collide, explode, and devour.

Unwound, the die is cast.
Fate is sealed.
A row of ducks, a ladybug, a locomotive
Sit upon a vacuous plane
Unseen and unheard.

©cmheuer, October, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


A windbreak of trees, thick with leaves,
In the light bending heat of summer,
Obscures what ambles along a gravel path
Beside the mowed, lime green field;
Blots out all but small, murky shadows
Of an unfamiliar shape that slinks
In and out of sight as it passes by
The gaps between the trees.

Shuffled, the broken shades resemble a
Prehistoric four-legged animal drawn on paper,
Fleshed out skeleton fossil,
An animated movie character walking across
A Jurassic Park stage set in
A triumphant return to nature’s
Wood-cleared paths.

Ambling in and out of sight before
My brown eyes can connect a shadow and an image,
Before my mind can remember a similar shape and size,
Before my mind can assign a name and a set of memories,
My ears perk up and my eyes stop blinking,
Engulfed with alarm and curiosity, motionless,
As squirrels and birds freeze soundless.

A photobomb near the end of the day,
Meekly clearing the windbreak and
Standing on all fours, headed for a garden,
Not Faulkner’s Old Ben, not a legend,
Not a child’s story bear,
Nor a dancing circus bear,
But a bear, nonetheless,
Wandering down from the mountains.

©cmheuer, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019


The leaves look rigid,
without the slight brush of a bird’s wings,
the squirrel’s dash across the limb,
or any breath of air to set things in motion.

Sculpted in place by a lack of wind,
stranded high above the earth’s reach
on branches and twigs with only
the chance of a steady, airborne course
navigated by the tree’s thin arms.

Like a flotilla stranded aloft,
stagnant in stale, upper echelons,
haunted by memories of rugged twists and turns,
of hair-raising dips and roundabouts, and
of romantic two-steps on a dance floor.

Tranquility seems ominous and unnatural
for living things, left afloat in the heat of the day,
stalled with eyes cast towards the horizon
watching for a sudden storm as if clear skies
and calm seas breed the worst of beasts.

Rather than moments of imagination
carved out of wood and set upon a wave
to mark the days of an ancient being,
side-stepped and deserted, on its rushed,
final journey to a rocky shore.

©cmheuer, 2019 

Saturday, April 6, 2019


When the early morning sun makes squares of yellow on the dormer wall
with window grille outlines like Mondrian compositions.
When shafts of gold appear across the room casting dark silhouettes
of lamp shades and paintings.
When streams of saffron flow across door frames, book cases,
and the wooden floor.

The night hours end and dreams disconnect in sudden storms of light
that end a nightmare’s racing heart.
The promise of a gilded day calls out like a siren’s song
          to an untethered mind.
The first step into the molten glow inflames an awkward stance
          and feels like a Midas touch.

Then the sun dial begins its sweep of rooms from east to west
          and bathes hidden spaces with radiant light.
Then the shadows declare pursuit, stretch out beyond
          their normal reach, and wreck in shallow waves.
Then the golden touch falters leaving each book without a word
          and each frame without a painting. 

©cmheuer, April, 2019

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Winter slush prints
boot bottoms, deer and bird tracks, and squirrel feet
on top of the earth;
water, ice, snow, sleet become
wet inked and plaster cast soles and hooves that
leave mud-like depressions
of ambulatory relics that won’t be baked in a desert or
frozen in permafrost
to create twenty-first century fossils.

The earth will absorb them
like it consumes the weight of
most travelers whose tracks
crisscross at different times and places
without a common origin or destination
appearing like Brownian motion
on top of the earth’s surface
as the cold air’s tentacled hold
on water’s freezing states breaks
and releases the winter’s ground covers. 

The steps cannot be retraced;
trips across the field or along the wood line are lost;
scampering steps to the nearest tree disappear;
foraging steps before an instant ascent to flight vanish;
and break-neck runs for the wood’s camouflage colors
melt away.

Each step is written over,
layers of steps lost
as each new script is added;
the old is absorbed into the fibers of the document
and cannot be recovered
as soon as a new text is scrawled across
that earthen page.   

©cmheuer, February, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019


There were times when the mean spirited were scattered.
A few rotten apples in a barrel.  A villain or two in a novel.

There were times when the mean spirited swarmed,
Historical eras when the vicious prevailed, and
Plagues of violence descended like locusts,
Infecting the lemmings,
Suffocating the benevolent.

There were times when the mean spirited
Were cast as contemptible,
Their sinister intent indisputable,
Their infamous fate predetermined and sealed.

Now the mean spirited are double-sided;
Jekylls and Hydes cruise around,
Feign a spirit of good will,
Hide combative ferocity and devious intent,
Until scapegoats are found.

Then they change faces and build their ranks
By slithering into the hearts of unsuspecting hosts,
By taking over the discourse, they misrepresent and destroy.
Flaunt their villainy and laugh
Because they know it all,
Because they see pride in cruel, deceitful artistry,
Because they see pride in a con achieved.

They search for reasons to hate, for excuses to bully,
     any variation, a tone of voice, verbal offenses
     become elaborate narratives sold as believable,
     woven without fear of reprisal,
     built to make suffering a sport,
     selected to ensure their quarries
     are taken down with single shots.

Who will search out these villainous scourges?
Destined to appear again today and tomorrow,
Who will protect the scapegoats?
Where are the staunch defenders?
Where is a mirror that will reflect
The bully undisguised?

©cmheuer, January, 2019