Monday, October 26, 2015


As the sun rides low on the horizon,
Cold air migrates from north to south,
Shadows have sharp lines, and
Light reflects unusual wavelengths,
As a singer might voice high and low notes.

Crest to crest each vibrant color code
Translates into a clear point of view
As illusive as the size of the sun or moon
Set upon a line between earth and sky
After summer’s humid, overexposed light.

Framed, corrected view placed over a haze;
Lucid distinctions and definitions override
Uncertainty and shadows more mysterious
Than the darkest nights or rooms;
Crystal clear creates apparitions of light.

Persistent haunts that cling to the mind
Even with glasses removed and eyes closed
Rims are still visible on the back of the eyelid
Darkness is framed. 

©cmheuer, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015


For every call to arms may there be a call to books
For every loaded gun may there be a book of knowledge
For every raised gun may there be a book opened
For every shot fired may there be a page turned
For every life lost may there be a story saved.

Only then can someone’s call to arms be silenced
Loaded bullets ejected
Raised guns lowered
Shots unfired
Lives saved to write their own stories.

Only then can school doors open
Form words into ideas
Create libraries out of thoughts
Replace weapons with works of art--
Only then can minds grow. 

(To each and every one a call to open carry a book.)

© cmheuer, 2015