Saturday, September 19, 2015


Summer months are fitted and cloaked
With worthless layers of dusty fabric
Assembled by wind, kicked up by bare feet,
And cascaded by rapid wheels or birds’ wings.

Uncoveted, it collects itself on any surface,
Covers up the appearance of things,
Disguises the wilted and dying,
With a thin, archetypal mask,
Conceals the luster of what had been.

Shape-shifting vagabond, without destination,
Leaves my footprints in the doorway,
Leaves an imprint of the summer’s dry sun
On the deepest well of the collective mind
As I wash it away. 

©cmheuer, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Wild devotion curbs wanderlust
In a subtle recognition of food left next to
The old fox hole for a feral, nursing feline
And her brood of five. 

Obliged without measure, the mother cat
Staked out the house with patrols
To guard against strays and poachers,
Whose intrusions were met
With Roman back-tail arches and
Grecian serpentine hisses; she
Stalked field mice and moles with
Stealth-drawn, tactical maneuvers carried out
From dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn;
Years of tireless and relentless gratitude,
Unspoken in the margins of a human world

There are unknown civilizations that build
Birthing beds out of the earth and befriend
Strangers who smile and place food at their feet.

© cmheuer